July 2013

Origins brighter by nature SPF35 review | KatieLewLa

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Hi everyoooone :) A couple of weeks ago I wrote a guest post for Laura over at http://www.ascottishlass.net for the Origins Brighter by nature SPF35 skin tone correcting moisturiser. Here it is in case you missed it! ...

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Pink Hair - Schwarzkopf XXL Ultra Brights | KatieLewLa

Thursday, July 25, 2013
As some of you are already aware I felt a bit wild yesterday and decided to go pink! As promised I'm writing this post to tell you all how I achieved it, so that if you're ever feeling a little on the wild side you can join me in the pastel pink parade! ...

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Summer Lovin' Sleek GLO face & body highlighter review | KatieLewLa

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Good afternoon me lovelies :) Today is another product review in my Summer Lovin' series. Today's review (you've probably guessed it) is going to be on the Sleek Glo face & body highlighter! in the shade 'bronze baby'. ...

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Summer Lovin' - Hair Care Essentials | KatieLewLa

Monday, July 22, 2013
Good evening me lovelies :) Today's post is on a small selection of budget hair products I can't be without this summer. What's even more pleasing is that they were all under £5! Happy bank balance = Happy Katieeee! ...

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Facebook Page | KatieLewLa

Sunday, July 21, 2013
Good afternoon me lovelies :) Today I've finally set up a facebook page for KatieLewLa. For a while people have been asking if I have a facebook page but I liked to keep my facebook profile personal. However now there's a special page solely dedicated to the work I do here!! If you're an avid user of Facebook...

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Nails of the week - Polka Dot Pastels | KatieLewLa

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Good afternooooon :) Guess what!!! Today is a nail post... I haven't painted my nails for aaaaaages! I've let myself and you lot down really because I religiously painted my nails every week and did a blog post for you. Since moving home at the beginning of May my nail stuff has just been packed away collecting dust....

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Origins Brighter by nature review | KatieLewLa

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Afternoon me hearties... (don't ask!) Today I've had the pleasure of writing a guest post for the lovely Laura over at,  http://www.ascottishlass.net To see the full review click on the link & head over there to have a looook. Don't forget to leave some comments :) ...

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Clarisonic Mia 2 Review | KatieLewLa

Sunday, July 07, 2013
Good evening :) I'm happy to be reporting to you from costa del garden again... hehe I am absolutely loving this weather, it makes me considerably cheerier than usual! So todays reviews is the much anticipated Clarisonic Mia 2 which I've been talking about for a while now but have never really gotten round to. This is partly...

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Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturiser Review | KatieLewLa

Saturday, July 06, 2013
Rise & Shiiiiiine :) Another lovely day again today (Yippeeeeeeee) So i'm getting this post out early and going to sit in my garden to sun it up for the rest of the day with a good book! That is the life! Today is the second review in my 3 day review series and you've probably guessed it...

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Toni & Guy Shampoo & Conditioner for blonde hair review | KatieLewLa

Friday, July 05, 2013
What a lovely day it is today... I'm actually writing posts whilst sat in the Garden isn't that a novelty :)  I may even get a chance to take some lovely outdoor summery photographs to share. The next 3 days on my little blog there are going to be 3 review posts. A haircare review, facial care review...

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Rhinefield House Hotel - A fairytale wedding weekend | KatieLewLa

Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Good Afternoon :) It seems like forever ago now, but back in May on the bank holiday weekend I attended the wedding of my partners brother. The wedding was held at Rhinefield House Hotel in the New Forest, Hampshire which is one in the chain of Hand Picked Hotels. I'm aware it was a couple of months ago...

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