
My Healthy Start to the Day | Breakfast

Thursday, January 28, 2016

We all get it hammered into us on a regular basis, that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. "It's fuel for your day!", "You should never skip breakfast!" are quotes I'm sure plenty of us have heard from parents and friends on some occasion. Well, I'm joining the parade!

Since the New Year I have banished foods that make me feel sluggish and bloated because quite frankly they give me about as much motivation to move as a snail. Not only that, I have reached that unforgivable age where your metabolism can no longer be bothered to fight to keep you thin and therefore only you can do something about it. We all know how that feels surely?

So here is an example of my more recent healthy start to the day...

healthy breakfast, porridge, green tea, oranges, blueberries, banana, lily's favourites,

I start off with a bowl of yummy porridge made with Almond Milk and Old fashioned rolled oats. I top this with plenty of frozen blueberries which are filled with antioxidants and a sliced banana for an energising potassium kick! Sometimes if I'm feeling a little naughty, I'll plop a (not so generous) blob of Nutella on there just to perk me up a bit. Porridge is great for breakfast as it will keep you feeling full until lunch and is packed with slow burning energy. 

To accompany my Porridge, I'll have a cup of Green Tea. Not the boring leafy kind which tastes a bit like earthy dirt, no no! I much prefer Green Tea with a bit of flavour such as these Lily's Favourites Epic Orange variety which are much tastier and fresh in the morning. And since we're on the topic of oranges, if I'm feeling a bit peckish after my porridge I'll add one into the mix to cure my sweet tooth. It's much better to eat an orange than it would be to drink a glass of fresh orange juice. Much less sugar, with the same great taste and all the fibre you miss out on with juice.

Let me know in the comments what your healthy start to the day contains?

Just a little inspiration which I added to my Instagram today, since I'm feeling loved up!
"All you need is Love"
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Enjoy your day!


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  1. What a great start to your day it sounds delicious, I know it's terrible but I manage to miss breakfast most days. That green tea brand sounds intriguing I'll definitely have to try it!

    1. It's very yummy, the best I've come across so far actually! Missing breakfast is baaaad hehe x

  2. I start in the same way, been obsessed with porridge for so long now, it's just so good!


  3. This sounds like such a tasty breakfast! I'm normally so bad at eating breakfast since I'm rushing around, but I want to start eating it again to try and get my diet back into a good routine!

    Lauren |

    1. Btw can I ask where you got that Lily's drink from? I normally love drinks like that so I would love to try it!

    2. Try overnight oats, you can prep them overnight and then won't need to prepare anything in the morning if you're pushed for time. I bought them from TKMaxx around christmas. X


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