
3 empties that I'm sad to see go | Osmo & Caudalie

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

During April I used up three particular products that I'm very sad to see the last of. There's a great satisfaction that comes with using the last of a product and removing a bottle from my ever filling drawers (only to be replaced by another most likely). However, there is less satisfaction with these three because I've really enjoyed using them all and may find myself repurchasing them again in the future.

Osmo deep moisture review, Cosmo effects wonder 10 review, caudal grape water review

I was bought one of these monstrously large bottles of Osmo deep moisture shampoo a few years ago now and I got absolutely sucked into it. In fact, I got that sucked into it that I bought another one when I eventually ran out. Firstly let's mention the scent because we know how much my nose plays a part in practically everything! Would you think I was crazy if I said it smelled like fizzy pineapples? Because quite frankly thats what it reminds me of, sweet fizzy pineapples. Just amazing! On a more serious and practical note, this shampoo truly delivers. It leaves my hair feeling lovely and clean without stripping too much moisture and once dried there's not a speck of frizz in sight. I find this is a really good all rounder and the large bottles are such great value they will last you a long time.

I honestly don't use that many Osmo products so it's a strange coincidence that I have used two up around the same time. I find the wonder 10 leave in treatment very similar to It's a 10 miracle leave in product particularly with the 10 claims it makes. At around £12 it's a similar price to It's a 10 but I find it much easier to get my hands on in the UK. I can't confidently say that it meets all ten of it's claims but what I can say is that it leaves my hair much more manageable and protected from heat. I find my hair is a lot shinier, softer and generally easier to manage when I've used this. It's a great detangler so it makes getting a comb through your wet hair a breeze. It must have worked wonders for my hair because since running out and using a drugstore alternative I've felt quite disappointed. This is one I am definitely going to consider repurchasing as well as more Osmo products because I have been very pleased with those I've tried so far.

This is a product that was sat in my basket on my beauty drawers for a long time unnoticed, because in all honesty I wasn't entirely sure what to do with it. I'm personally not a fan of spritzing my face so that threw that idea out of the window. In the last few months I started using this in a morning just to freshen up my face and remove any product left on my face from the previous night as a pose to fully cleansing my face again (some people might find this gross, but personally I don't feel the need to fully cleanse my face again in a morning). I simply sprayed a bit onto a cotton pad and swiped it around my face to freshen up. It left my skin feeling cleaner, fresher and ready to apply my day moisturiser and makeup. I can't say it performed miracles but I think it definitely had a calming effect on my skin and now I feel quite lost without it.

Let me know what products you're sad about using up recently or if you've tried any of these products and like them as much as I do. We'll see how I get on without them, but watch this space as you may see more of these. 

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