
Sunday Pampering Products | KatieLewLa

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Yayyyyy it's Sunday & the sun is shining. Today's the day I finally get to do pretty much nothing all day apart from blog, pamper myself and chillax. I plan to run myself a lovely jubbly bubbly bath, lay back and pamper myself with my favourite sunday saviours (maybe whilst watching an episode of something cheesy). So here goes with my favourites in the order which i will be using them.

Sunday Pampering Products lush

Firstly I'm going to steam my face with a Lush Tea Tree Toner Tab.

"Tea Tree toner tab delivers tea tree oil to your face in a concentration that will be antibacterial without spoiling your skin's natural defences. Our toner water range is an attempt to deliver good quality essential oils to your face in the correct concentration. 
They are not just toners, but are aromatherapy in dilution, ready to be used at a moments notice. 
Most toners are preserved water with added astringent ingredients to act on the pores. Ours take a more gentle approach, which means that steaming the face is possible without any harsh ingredients present."

I love these little tabs, I think they're genius & work wonders when your skin is becoming congested. Literally just pop in a bowl of hot water, watch it fizz away, cover your head with a towel & feeeeeel the steeeeeam working its magic for approximately 10 minutes. Afterwards you can pour the water into a spray bottle & use it as a toner to spritz your face with for the next week (best kept in the fridge). That way all that lovely water doesn't feel like its being wasted. Voila!

Sunday Pampering Products lush 

Onto running my bath. One of my absolute favourites from Lush. This little gem smells absolutely divine & the reason I think I love it even more than natural is because it reminds me of the scent of a steam room in the Aqua Sana at Centre Parcs. Centre Parcs is probably my favourite place on earth so for a little product to take me back there for an hour or so whilst i soak is enough to make Katie very happyyyyyy. (Cheesy Grin)

"A sweet creamy candy-floss pink bath that's like a hug in a soft fluffy towel. This one is a girly night in. Makes you want to put on your cutest jambes, bounce on the bed and have a pillow fight. For those who know that youth and innocent glee are things never to be left behind"

This bubble bar leaves my skin supersoft with all of its moisturising ingredients such as cocoa butter & almond oil & I usually split this into 4 pieces to get better value for my £2.50 haha.

Sunday Pampering Products palmers cocoa butter     Sunday Pampering Products soap & glory

So whilst I'm in the bath I'll apply some Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Deep Treatment. Now I don't think that it's necessary for me to ramble on too much about this because I presume every beauty addict in the world has tried it. Smells lovely, leaves hair soft & well conditioned & all for about £4. Can't go wrong really can you?

Next I apply some Soap & Glory, No clogs allowed! facemask which I LOVE. When I first bought this I noticed a difference in my skin from the first use & now it's something I use religiously every week without fail. As you massage it into your face it warms which feels lovely, like your pores are literally being opened and cleaned out. Mmmmmmmm. Does the trick for me. Doesn't dry my skin out or break me out, but definitely helps to clear away any nasty unwelcome visitors.

Last but certainly NOT least is my trusty Palmers Cocoa Butter. This is one of those products that I've never really admitted to it being my HG regardless of the fact that I ALWAYS have a bottle lying around. I don't think I ever really appreciate how good it is until I desperately need it & it fixes me straight away. Yes cocoa butter, you are my HG and I love you. I admit it! Besides the fact that it makes me smell good enough to eat, it really does soften your skin & is great I have found as an after sun. I often take one of these on holiday and it has never failed me yet!

So there we have it. I've let you in on a few of my Sunday favourites which I am going to thoroughly enjoy. And nowwwww, I'm off to eat my leftover chilli. Nom Nom :D

Hope you enjoyed.

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  1. OMG wow I need some of those lush toner tablets in my life! What a fab idea.

    Stories of an English Rose

  2. Great post! I need to try one of those toner tabs -- they look lovely! xx

    1. they are really great & i think steaming your face has a lot of benefits x

  3. You have a really lovely blog -- the Lush bubble bar is so cute! :)

    I found you on the #bbloggers bloghop & I'm now following you on GFC, take a look at my blog & follow back if you like :)



  4. Both of the Lush products are my favourites too! x

    1. You have good taste :) I just love the smell of the bubble bar (heaven)

  5. Love the look of those!
    Lovely post xx

  6. ooh I didnt know about the toner tabs! they look great, think I might have to pop down to lush :)

    1. I think they get overlooked :) they're great x


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