
Facial Steaming - How to / What I use | KatieLewLa

Friday, April 05, 2013

Hello lovelies :)

I've been having real problems with my skin recently which I believe to be effects of hormones & bad eating habits over easter!! (ooops, guilty) Today I decided it was about time I gave my pesky spots a kick up the rear!! I used to steam my face quite often but got out of the habit so when I'm at a point where I'll try almost anything I've given it a go.

The minimum you will need!
- A Large bowl
- A large towel
- Essential Oils (if you have any)
- aaaand boiling water haha

Facial Steaming, lavender oil, tea tree oil,

The essential oils I chose to use were tea tree oil with aloe vera & lavender oil. Both tea tree & lavender are natural antiseptic and are known for their spot healing powers which is why I added them to the mix :) The tea tree oil I used also contains aloe vera which has soothing properties (also a necessity for me at the moment) 

I also added a green tea bag as green tea contains powerful antioxidants which are great for skin. (I DO NOT plan to drink it afterwards haha) A lot of brightening and anti-aging products contain green tea if you search the ingredients list :)

Facial Steaming, lavender oil, tea tree oil, green tea

So simply add a few drops of the essential oils into the bowl and add boiling water. Then hold your face above the water and cover your head with a towel so that none of that lovely heat can escape. Just chillax for about 5 minutes. I'm suffering with a cold at the moment and this mixture really helped to clear my airways which was an added bonus. Don't put your face too close to the water as the steam can be very very hot and you don't want to burn your precious little nose!

After 5 minutes (I like to listen to some good tunes to pass the time) remove the towel from over your head and lift your face away from the bowl (sounds strange). I then like to dip a cotton wool pad into the water and wipe my face clear with it. The green tea and tea tree oil works as a great toner. You can leave it there or like I did you can go on to apply a face mask whilst your pores are open and all those pesky pimples are praying for you to draw them out!

And voila, that about does it. This steam treatment has really left my skin looking glowing today which is a wonderful change for me. Hopefully it will have given my break out the kickstart it needs to begin healing!

Hope this has been helpful for you!
Let me know if you have any more tips for me...

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  1. I never thought about using Green Tea, thank you for posting :) xx
    Lisa // MISSLISA.CO.UK

  2. Thanks for this, really interesting. Where do you buy your oils? I may try this with lemon juice and green tea. Do you think that would work?

  3. This is such a great post as I've just purchased one of the little bath bomb type things from Lush that you put in the water when steaming your face. I can't wait to do this now!

    Cupcakes And Cocaine

  4. aww I hate bad skin days, they always make you feel a bit crappy don't they :( this sounds such a fabulous idea though and I never ever think to do some facial steaming. This is such an inspirational post and I'm definitely going to be giving this ago :) xxx


    Miss Sunshine & Sparkle

  5. Brilliant post, I love anything lavender scented as it's so relaxing. Will have to do this. x

    January Girl ♥

  6. I used to do this when I was younger but I've never tried it with tea tree in, I think I'll definitely give that a go! xx

    Just to let you know I've tagged you in the procrastinating beauty blogger's tag!
    You can find the post here if you fancy giving it a go :)

  7. ive never steamed my face before, i may definately have to try after reading this, it sounds great!xx

    vintageteapot/ fashion, beauty & life

  8. we love diy beauty! great post, hun

  9. I find that steaming is also really good for when you have a blocked nose. I just make some chamomile tea and voila!

    You have such a cute blog and I love your use of butterflies! (I am probably a bit too obsessed with butterflies but that's never a bad thing is it?

    Evelyn xxxxx


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