
October Favourites | KatieLewLa

Friday, November 02, 2012

"Here are a few of my favourite things"

Hellooooo. I'm being good this month & getting my favourites in early. May I mention that it's christmas next month Eeeeeeeek :D Can't believe it's November already, time is flying!

Anyway on with the favourites....

First up is Hair Care.

Schwarzkopf Big Volume Mousse
Now my hair is getting longer it has been starting to weigh down a bit, leaving it looking flatter & lacking life. I picked this up on a bit of a whim but I'm really glad I did. I haven't used a mousse for a long while & I remember them leaving my hair sticky and crispyyyyy, mmmmmm, NOT! However this mousse leaves no crispiness & it smells AMAZING. I can't quite put my finger on the smell, maybe cherryade or something along those lines but seriously people. AMAZING! It also feels soft in my hair and leaves it easier to manage. I'm really enjoying using it & it certainly lifts my hair.

Matrix Biolage Colour Care Conditioner
Have you ever neglected a product & not appreciated how good it is until you use something else for a while & then go back to it? Thats what I did with this. I got into using another conditioner & then went back to it one day, it literally felt like I was putting silk in my hair. It leaves my hair so soft & manageable and now I need to stock up! I love it! A lot! I will never neglect you again.

Redken Extreme Anti-Snap
This is a product that comes with a lot of hype. Does it live up to the hype? I'm not really sure, because I've never stuck at it long enough to notice. However I am enjoying using it again & will continue to do so. Makes hair a lot easier to comb through when it's wet & leaves the ends silky smooth. Also might I add that it smells like sour chewitts (remember those?), mmmmm my mouth is watering.

Shower Products.

The Body Shop Spiced Pumpkin Bath & Shower Gel
To be honest I can't believe I have never done a full review on this little baby because it is my absolute HG shower gel. In fact watch this space because I think I may do just that. I think you've all probably established that I love products that smell good enough to eat & this one just takes that to a whole other level. It smells so yummy that it lifts my spirits every time I use it. It doesn't irritate my skin, doesn't dry it out & I've found that it does help keep dreaded blemishes at bay. The only bad thing is that it's limited edition & I have a feeling it will be discontinued. Then I'll cry.

Next up. Make-up.

H&M Eyelash Curlers
Might seem a bit silly to put these on but I've not used them for a while. I've recently teamed them up with my Heroine Make mascara which I keep raving about & the effects are astounding. Literally. If you follow me on twitter you'll have seen the number of eye pictures I've posted recently. @katielewla

Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation
Another product with a lot of hype recently and guess what... I'm going to add to it :D
This foundation instantly makes me look more awake & it's my go to foundation on those days when I feel I need a little extra coverage. I wouldn't recommend it to people with oilier skin as it does have shimmer in it which will make your skin appear oilier. The staying power isn't too impressive but it ticks the boxes in all other areas. Try it.

Soap & Glory Smoulder Kohl
There's nothing I love more than a good eyeliner (there probably actually is but... in terms of make-up). This is a product I've just overlooked for so long & I finally gave into buying it a couple of weeks ago. Now I wonder how I lived without it. Staying power is brilliant, it's so soft, draws on top of eyeshadow well. Its a win win!! Should I mention it smells nice?

Accessorize Merged Baked Blusher- 5 Sensation
I fancied trying a blusher with shimmer so when I spotted this on offer in superdrug I couldn't resist. I use it as a subtle blush/highlighter on my cheek bones & it does the job perfectly. Its really pigmented and applies like a dream and soooo pretty.

Onto Skin Care.

Garnier Ultra Lift Nutri Intense
Yes people, I have an anti-wrinkle cream in my favourites this month. You can never start too early. The reason behind me buying this is featured in my fighting uneven skin post here! I'm thoroughly enjoying using this product for many reasons. Its smells really nice (obviously not important if it doesn't work), it's super moisturising and it's helping clear my uneven skin tone as well as the added anti-aging bonuses. My skin most certainly appears plumper, glowing & more youthful.

Lip Care

Now the winter weather is drawing in (waaaaaahh) my lips are feeling the cold. The cold weather & wind dries them out leaving them chapped. These two little beauties have helped to keep them looking their best.

Lush Sweet Lips
I feel like I'm repeating myself in this post but.... not only does this lip scrub smell divine, it tastes scrummy aswell (my kinda product). I always use this before applying lip-stick or lipbalm to scrub off any dead skin & keep my lips in tip top condition. It works like a dream & tastes like one too.

The Body Shop Born Lippy Raspberry
Guess what? Yes you've got it, this lippy smells amazing hahaha (does anyone else see a theme occurring?). When I don't want to wear lippy but want to keep my lips looking nice & feeling moisturised I've been reaching for this. It's moisturising, has a hint of colour, a hint of gloss & smells lovely too. Perfect.

So there we have it, quite a lengthy favourites this month. Sorry if I've babbled on for too long. I get carried away. Hope you've enjoyed reading & I look forward to seeing everyone else's October favourites :D

Let me know if you share my love for any of these products.

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  1. Your make-up is so similar to mine.. and your beauty buys! I waaaant that spiced pumpkin shower gel xx

  2. I really want to try the Rimmel foundation, my friend just bought it and really likes it!

    1. Definitely good if you want a media coverage :) xx

  3. I love the big volume mousse and that pumpkin shower gel sound so perfect for autumn, I think I'm going to have to pick one up! Love your blog, new follower here!

    1. Last time I went in body shop they were selling them off for £2 :) xx

  4. i love lush products :) Hey, if you want, check out my blog, If you like it follow on GFC and Bloglovin, and I ALWAYS follow back xx – Vanessa Mae

    1. Thanks I'll check your out :) I love lush too. A little too much xx

  5. mmm. This body shop shower gel looks and sounds yummy! :D
    Haven't tried any of these though. lol
    X Deja

    Deja Zu

  6. I love body shop products.. i havent tried that shower gel but im loving their melon body lotion atm.. xx

    1. They have it in sour apple and fuzzy peach as well which smell good xx

  7. ohhI really should try that volume mousse!!!

  8. I have that blusher from Accesorize, love it :) x

  9. Okay so I REALLY have to try this Lush lip scrub, I'm seeing it everywhere!! Chocolate and vanilla sounds like the best for sure :-)

    Hope you're having a great week hun!

    Vanessa x

    1. Oh it really is amazing. Literally good enough to eat hehe xx

  10. Cute post :) I absolutely love lush lip scrubs, the popcorn one's my fave

    1. Think I'll be trying the popcorn one next xx

  11. Rimmel's wake me up is my go to foundation at the moment! Love it!


  12. I have the bubblegum sweet lips from Lush and have to agree the product is divine! I use it in a similar way to yourself - prior to lipstick application and whenever at the gym - keeps the lips soft! Great post :D

    1. Gets rid of all those nasty rough bits doesnt it :) xx

  13. I will certainly go & have a look xx


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