
Nails of the week - Pretty Pearly French | KatieLewLa

Saturday, October 11, 2014

French Manicure, Pretty pearly french nails of the week

Hello there lovelies,

French manicures have been taking my fancy a bit this week, however I didn't want to stick to a plain and simple french. Delving around in my nail drawers I fished out my nail fimo canes (bought from ebay) that I haven't used for aaaaaages, thought they might make a cute addition to a regular french. Then I got carried away adding pearls and glitter. I set out unsure what I was going to do with my nails but on this occasion it seems improvisation turned out well for me.

Here's a little step by step of how I created these nails :)

-Firstly I added O.P.I Nail Envy base coat which is my go to base coat
- I then added two coats of natural nail colour which was one out of a ted baker set I received as a gift last christmas
-Next I painted on the white tips using a Sally Hansen french tips polish
- I then sliced some fimo canes as thin as I could manage so that they weren't too bulky, and applied these to my thumb and ring finger using a clear nail polish
- Then I decided to add some pearls to the mix, just dotting a few around the area of the fimo using the pointy end of a wooden orange stick
- Finally I added some silver glitter of the tips of my nails that didn't have any nail art on to jazz them up a little.

And voila, seal everything with a top coat once it's all dried and you're done. I'm not too confident these nails will last a week like they usually do due to all the nobbly bobbly bits but I think they look really pretty and I might experiment with french tips more often.

Here is an unedited picture so you can see how pearly the nails are.

I hope you like them :)

French Manicure, Pretty pearly french nails of the week

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  1. Lovely nails! You seem to have quite a talent for nail art :) x

    1. Thanks lovely :) I've been nibbling them a bit recently :( trying to kick that habit! X

  2. Thanks Sophia :) That's really kind <3


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