I was super giddy when I was contacted by Megan from Citypress in regards to attending the Street Style Event at Wheatley, Doncaster, because nothing exciting like this ever happens in my area - particularly nothing that a beauty blogger such as myself would get excited about. Street Style events are happening nationwide and they provide high street...
I'm pretty certain over the last few months I've let the cat out of the bag that I'm going traveling around Southeast Asia. Since finishing University (for the second time) I have fantasised about pristine beaches, glorious weather, cultured environments and the freedom to explore. Yet now, I am finally turning those fantasies into my reality. I have...
Dry Shampoo is something that I literally cannot imagine my life without. How did I ever live before it existed? I have no clue! I love it for so many reasons, those of which I will briefly share with you in this post. For so long I have used Batiste Dry Shampoo and I have occasionally strayed from...
Here in the UK we've seen an ungenerous preview of Spring/Summer weather but no matter how few and far between those days are, no one hesitates to whip out the summer clothing and get outside whilst they can. Summer days aren't a regular occurrence for us so we simply must make the most of those days we get....
I think if you were to ask any beauty blogger "If you could only have one makeup brand for the rest of your life which would it be?" they would be able to give you a straight answer pretty fast. We wouldn't all have the same answer because as we know what one person loves another might hate....